soft breezes blow; her memories stir
she reflects on lies
that sounded like love
the evil seed of deception grew a towering tree
he thought that it would fruit
to feed only him
but wickedness does not equal wisdom
the tree is now her strength
and has grown in his absence
she is stretching her branches to shelter many others
as a storm marches in
her deep, strong roots take hold and
she.leans.in. -
lucid slumber of sadness
i need you to come now
and whisper in my ear
of heartbreak and tragedy
rap on the walls of my soul
and shake things up a bit
wake me, rudely, from
this lucid slumber of sadness –
it’s almost morning now
and there is no time
in the bright sunshine
for tears and sorrow
so come now, quickly,
before the sun rises
and fill me up with
all the agonies i can bear
so i can wring them out
and then start anew.© lotus carroll 2014, all rights reserved -
sunrise, sunset
each day the sun rises, the sun sets
the world turns to create this illusion
your day may be my night
my calm, descending orb may be
your burning, rising fireball
all the while, the ground we stand solid on
is actually spinning relentlessly under us
whatever you “see” is perception driven
beauty and sadness
tragedy and joy
heartache and elation
all of these things shift forms
based on what the angle is
my lens is different than yours
yours is not the same as
his and hers and theirs
even common details
become blurry, ultimately
arguing absolutes and opinions, equally pointless
spend more time accepting
try harder to be aware and awake
be ready to receive whatever
put your energy into love
open your heart and mind
prepare to view from a different angle
try to avoid shame and judgement
see and feel and embrace all you can
expand and let in as much light as possible
before the last revolution completes
and the shutter closes forever. -
She Emanates Serenity
there is a pulse to all things
waiting for us to connect with it,
to feel it vibrate throughout;
some souls can inherently focus to
identify with this never-ending rhythm;
one must be stoic, centered,
like an egyptian goddess
who breathes in light
and emanates serenity.model: Leslie Flinger
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so it comes and so it goes.
today, i unexpectedly found something of yours lying in the depths of my heart;
i wanted to hold it, to turn it in my hands, feeling the shape of our abandoned dreams in all of its angles.
i thought i might bring it close to my face, breathe deeply, and be reminded of your scent… maybe close my eyes and somehow see yours once more.might you even feel me across these tortured years, gently probing in some synaptic way?
i held my breath and reached out… it crumbled like cold ash from a long gone fire the moment my fingers tenderly grazed it, drifting away, mercifully, on the winds of change.i cannot recall the sound of your laughter.
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The Beauty of Change
We collected a rather large batch of caterpillars that were threatening to skeletonize my sunflower garden recently. I housed them in a small plastic container with slots for air designed to hold buggies and fed them sunflower leaf rations (they turned their noses up at other types of leaves) saving most of my garden from destruction while still feeding them. After several days, they all suited up in their respective chrysalises and made with the metamorphosing. We dug witnessing this, and awaited the unfolding of their wings as they became Bordered Patch Butterflies (Chlosyne lacinia).
For the past couple of days, they’ve been greeting the world anew, and as they do, we open the hatch on the container and set them free into my (flower filled, butterfly orgasmic) back yard. It is an incredibly joyous feeling to watch one of them lift out of the housing and ascend into the air and off to freedom, somehow making my heart more buoyant even though it is my lungs that fill with air while I breathe in and watch them float.
This little flapper needed some extra time to dry its wings and visit with another creature who has been rapidly changing right before my eyes lately.
I have a tender love that floats on wings of expectation and wonder for them both.
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She Wasn’t Sure Where She Ended And He Began
I took this sunset image from a moving vehicle over a year ago. It is among my favorite images I’ve created so far. The sun seems to be trying to reach out to the mingling, intertwined trees as they embrace one another, warming this moment and their touch. At the same time, it looks to spread across the land, desperately holding on to each moment that is escaping as it sinks lower. Soon it will be too dark to see anything.
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the snow slowly began to fill the grave he’d dug