sunrise, sunset

each day the sun rises, the sun sets
the world turns to create this illusion
your day may be my night
my calm, descending orb may be
your burning, rising fireball
all the while, the ground we stand solid on
is actually spinning relentlessly under us
whatever you “see” is perception driven
beauty and sadness
tragedy and joy
heartache and elation
all of these things shift forms
based on what the angle is
my lens is different than yours
yours is not the same as
his and hers and theirs
even common details
become blurry, ultimately
arguing absolutes and opinions, equally pointless
spend more time accepting
try harder to be aware and awake
be ready to receive whatever
put your energy into love
open your heart and mind
prepare to view from a different angle
try to avoid shame and judgement
see and feel and embrace all you can
expand and let in as much light as possible
before the last revolution completes
and the shutter closes forever.


each day the sun rises, the sun sets the world turns to create this illusion your day may be my night my calm, descending orb may be your burning, rising fireball all the while, the ground we stand solid on is actually spinning relentlessly under us whatever you “see” is perception driven beauty and sadness tragedy and joy heartache and elation all of these things shift forms based on what the angle is my lens is different than yours yours is not the same as his and hers and theirs even common details become blurry, ultimately arguing absolutes and opinions, equally pointless spend more time accepting try harder to be aware and awake be ready to receive whatever put your energy into love open your heart and mind prepare to view from a different angle try to avoid shame and judgement see and feel and embrace all you can expand and let in as much light as possible before the last revolution completes and the shutter closes forever. ____________________ All Rights Reserved No use allowed without a license. For licensing inquiries, email me directly.