No, Fig Newtons did not sponsor this.
But we love them. And their wrapper. Wanna see how 2 sickies entertain one another when they’re home alone at snack time?
Be warned, this is about 5 minutes of your life you will never get back. It will, however, leave you with a goofy grin on your face and a feeling of happy deep within you. If it doesn’t, you likely have a dead fish for a heart. Good luck with that.
So? Do you have the happy?

Special K
Why yes. Yes I do! 🙂
.-= Special K´s last blog ..If you just hang on a little while I will be griping about Summer soon.. =-.
Absolutely. Nothing like a laughing sickie (beats the crying ones) 😀
Fig Newtons should sponsor this! It’s adorable! He got really good at hitting the lens and not any better at holding in his spit! He’s hysterical!
LOVE the laugh! My cheeks hurt from smiling so big while watching your sick little man laugh so much! We are all sick in our house too – wish there was more laughing and less whining… 🙁
That was so sweet! I giggled for the whole 5 minutes! Every time he said “I’ll get it” my heart exploded!
Sarah @ TM2TS
Okay, that had me chuckling. He is getting more and more adorable. I loved the “I’ll get it”. Ethan just goes “Mommy, you get it” LOL!
.-= Sarah @ TM2TS´s last blog ..No More Desserts =-.
This is very entertaining. LOL. It’s wonderful to see how creative your kid is. He can make people smile with his smile and make them laugh using only a piece of plastic. That’s a lot of talent right there!
Awww! That’s just too cute! Isn’t it awesome how the simplest things kids do can be so fun to watch? The little ones especially, they’re so fascinating!
.-= Kara´s last blog ..Snow Day Activities =-.
You gotta bottle up that laugh and sell it. Stocks in pharmaceuticals would go down, but I bet people would be a lot happier.
Love it.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..A Day In The Life =-.
Makes me want to sit at a table and blow a Fig Newton wrapper back and forth. 🙂
Hope you got around to eating them eventually!
.-= jenski´s last blog ..Not reconsidering, thanks. =-.
This made me laugh out loud. What a great video! I’ll be picking up some fig newtons on my next grocery trip!
Secret Mom Thoughts
My kids laughed right along with Braden. I should have taped them watching it.
.-= Secret Mom Thoughts´s last blog ..Mostly Sticking to the Plan =-.
Love the giggles. ha
.-= Jen´s last blog ..button winner! =-.
LOVE the giggles! Too cute!
.-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..Top Ten {Tuesday} – Television =-.
Meg at Demanding Joy
This absolutely made my day. I’m buying some fig newtons immediately.
.-= Meg at Demanding Joy´s last blog ..Unlocking the Door =-.
Chibi Jeebs
Oh. Mah. GAWD. The laughing so hard he can’t blow on the wrapper? The “ah will giddit!”? You’re right: dead.
.-= Chibi Jeebs´s last blog ..VD Day! =-.
I has a happy now! He’s just the cutest.
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Snow Day =-.
The happiness quotient just went sky high.
Kara - down to earth mommy
that was awesome! thanks for sharing, I needed some stress free moments tonight.
Claire in CA, USA
Our computer is in our family room next to the tv, and the kids are watching a movie, so I sat here with my whole body shaking with laughter, trying not to disturb them. Braden has such an infectious laugh. What a sweetie. Hope you two feel better soon. Thanks for brightening my day. 🙂
No matter how many i I watch this, i giggle.
The kids, laughing SO hard at Braden.
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Valentine’s Day Breakfast Recipes =-.
jennifer, playgroups are no place for children
I’m relieved to know that my heart isn’t made of dead fish, this totally made me smile.
“I’ll get it… ” OMG, I’m dying over here.. Of laughter!!
.-= Mishi´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {The 365 Round Up} =-.
That was INSANELY adorable. I’d been meaning to watch it for days, but I think today was the day I really NEEDED to see that. I can’t wait for my own little Braden to play this kind of game with. 🙂
.-= Tabitha´s last blog ..Reflections on our first Valentine’s Day as Mr. & Mrs. =-.
Kecia (@bitterbanter)
I love the way he was tracking you with his eyes..both in collaboration and acceptance. Your connection with him is palpable. Awesome.
Sooooo precious! That laugh is more contagious than his little cough! I think our boys are about the same age….don’t cha sometimes just wish you could freeze time?!?! Thanks for sharing!