I am a rock under the stars.
It is dark and warm. The cool water shimmers and swirls in front of me, calling me to fall into it. I close my eyes and imagine my body breaking the surface and sinking like a rock, cutting through with no resistance. The soft, surging liquid would swallow me, and I’d be gone. Just a rock with no choice in which way to fall.
There’s a slight breeze, but it doesn’t quite push off the way it feels as though the air is actually touching me. It’s the perfect kind of warm. That is, it’s the kind of warm a girl who grew up in the country can appreciate. It is, in fact, kind of warm that used to waft through my screened windows and call me out onto the front porch to stare at the moon and dream with my eyes open.
I’m sitting on the back deck at my parents’ house. It is not the house I grew up in. That is about 2 miles from here. It sits, full of memories and cobwebs. It sits empty, dark, and somber.
I have not driven past it on this visit home. I haven’t driven by and seen the room off the front porch where I would sit and wait for him. The place he would often come to for me. Where I would sometimes sit alone, disappointed.
I did, however, drive past a road I used to turn right on almost every day, literally for years. That road took me to his home and his family, of which I was made to feel a part, so many times. It took me sometimes alone, and sometimes with him. It took me.
Like he had.
Every ounce of my heart was siphoned away, every piece of my soul seemed to have been drawn out. I would say it was painless, because, after all, I wanted it that way. But it would be more truthful just to say I must have enjoyed the pain. Or at least, that I endured it because I knew the prize was worth it.
I wanted it to be.
I’m sitting out here with a chorus of crickets and other nighttime crawlies singing me the sweet song of the country on a soft, close summer night. I feel comfortable here. I can stretch out my legs and breathe in the scent of flowers growing nearby. In this moment, no one needs me. I’m at peace. Just myself, in the dark, alone. Comfortable.
Over and over again I had put all of myself into him, willing him to be more and to somehow make me whole, as such. I piled upon him expectations and needs. I was not perfect. He was not perfect. We were not perfect. We were just us and us was foolish.
He-I lost me-him and we were both abandoned by the ending we thought was in store for us. What I wanted was promises; conversely, he needed freedom and choices. While I needed validation and hope, he demanded space and what-ifs. I was incapable of giving him what he needed while still finding my own answer, incapable of just letting go and being me. Instead, I wanted to draw myself from him, control him, manipulate his choices.
If I lay my head back and stare up into the sky, I see a black canvas for miles, dotted with brilliant, shiny specks of electricity and power from so far away. They gleam and sparkle; a new one seems to pop into the tapestry after every few beats of my heart. If I just stare this way for awhile, what I think I see and know changes over and over again.
I expect it to look a certain way, but I can’t control what unfolds before me. I have ideas about what is out there in my view, but it is flowing and changing constantly, right in front of me, and there is nothing I can do about it. Some of the changes are noticeable, some are imperceptible to me. I sense that.
It would be foolish of me to try to force the stars to stand out in the sky in a specific order. They would call me mad and lock me in padded rooms.
I’ll never really know if it was right to part ways. I think of him from time to time and I wonder who he is now. Is he still that same person who was my best friend, or is the man he has become someone different entirely? I don’t regret those years, or the ones that have followed. I’m not sure if life has turned out exactly how I’d hoped it would after I kissed him that last time and he turned away.
What I do hope now, however, is that he is happy. Because I love him in some way still, and that’s been true since the day I walked away. I hope he is happy with the way the sky looks when he lays his head back.
It is possible to close my eyes and visualize the reams of paper that the story of my life stands starkly upon. As they flow through my mind, I can slow them down and inspect this and that, or speed them up to avoid things. If I choose to, I can ponder over the way the ink fell and what the story might be like if it had been different, and I can even look at the pages that lie ahead, waiting for the stab of the pen, with concern. Perhaps I could worry about those pages, or be afraid. I could try to control the pen that wants to flow on its own with fancy strokes and flourishes.
Yet that would be silly.
Because the way the stars in the sky arrange themselves in a predictable and yet uncontrollable fashion is a beautiful thing. Every night they show up just the way they are supposed to, and they don’t need me to worry about it, or wonder if they are doing it right.
And so, they end up where their paths intend them to, and that is that.
Like a stone falling into cool, deep waters, effortlessly.
Like me.

Lynn (Walking With Scissors)
You are such a talented writer, my dear. This post spoke to me so much that I just may wallpaper my bedroom with it.
.-= Lynn (Walking With Scissors)´s last blog ..Why Is My Mother Getting a Tattoo? (A Review) =-.
Beautifully written. I think we all have a love like that. I could read this post all night…thanks for sharing it!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..You know you’re a Sister when… =-.
Your writing is so descriptive I was right there with you, smelling the air, seeing the stars and just Being.
Awesome stuff.
You make me want to be a better writer, to take more care, to plan my posts rather than just spewing them out as they rise up. Oh boy. I just realised that my posts are just-like-bile.
This might explain my stats.
.-= Ness´s last blog ..Hey Beeshes =-.
Oh man, you are the Rapture. Color me impressed.
Courtney @ Chaosisus
Absolutely stunning and beautiful post! So deep but yet such a simple message. We are not in control as much as we try to be. Our pages are already written and will fall where they may. BEAUTIFUL!
.-= Courtney @ Chaosisus´s last blog ..Update On Phabian and School! =-.
Wow. This is beautiful. You write as beautifully as you take photographs.
From a distance, the lotus appears, as any flower does, to be pretty and ephemeral. Look closely, though, and you find the beauty of the lotus is based on things far more complex than what you can see at first blush.
It would seem, Lotus, that you are aptly named.
.-= lceel´s last blog ..Another tasty bit of Sarah =-.
.-= Tarasview´s last blog ..Organic Lunch Solutions =-.
I read this last night and couldn’t think of anything to say. I still can’t. Beautiful writing.
.-= Veronica´s last blog ..Camera Mach II =-.
I’ve been reading your blog for over a year, and this is the first time I leave a comment.
I used to write, years ago, and then I experienced a massive loss and stopped writing. Then I discovered your blog.
Like Ness, you make me want to be a better writer.
This post is exactly the case in point.
Love, from half-way across the world.
.-= Hend´s last blog ..Ashton? =-.
Oh, Man. Is Iceel’s comment brilliant, or what?! JEEZ. For some reason, this post left me speechless last night. I’m back to say that it’s fantastic; love the analogies.
Hi honey! I read this late last night and didn’t comment and for that I am sorry. It’s beautiful. My favorite line is: “I hope he is happy with the way the sky looks when he lays his head back.”
Wonderful – all of it!
.-= amy2boys´s last blog ..Weekly Winners – July 26 – August 1 =-.
Beautiful, Lotus. So wonderful and descriptive that I can feel the charge in the air. Lovely.
.-= Corina´s last blog ..A nemesis and a puppet =-.
Oh yes.
I understand.
But I could never put it into words like you my lovely…
“It would be foolish of me to try to force the stars to stand out in the sky in a specific order.”
Probably the best sentence I’ve read in YEARS Lotus. YEARS. There is so much imagery and so many things here that hit so close to home for me. Your words have left me obviously, incapable of leaving a coherant comment. And I love you for that.
.-= Miss´s last blog ..Clair de Lune =-.
This was beautiful! Your descriptions of the surroundings made me feel like I was lying right there with you! It also really struck a chord with me and made me think about my first “love.” I love the analogy that you used with the stars — I, too, think everything just tends to happen like it’s supposed to, whether we want it to or not. I’m so glad I popped over here to read this!
.-= nuckingfutsmama´s last blog ..Fuggeddaboudit =-.
Karen MEG
This was beyond gorgeous, Lotus. The images that floated from your words just took my breath away.
.-= Karen MEG´s last blog ..Happy to be home =-.
Sarcastic Mom, aka Lotus
Thank you so much for all of your comments. This post is particularly open and real; it flowed like liquid. I was a tiny bit afraid to hit publish.
Thank you again.
This is indeed a great post. Keep up the good work Mom! I’ll try to follow your blog. By the way, there’s a new social networking site dedicated to parents and kids, it’s called Bluepixo.com – it’s a place for Moms, Dads, and Kids! Now, there’s even a chance to win a free iPod Nano! I’m inviting you to meet other parents. And enjoy parenthood to the fullest. Thanks.
Never be afraid to hit publish my darling. The best comes from posts like this.
“Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood
But I know the heart of life is good”
.-= Miss´s last blog ..Clair de Lune =-.
Keep writing…and it will come…
.-= VDog´s last blog ..Boozeday – Little Club No. 1 =-.
That was amazing, Lotus.
Wow.. that was absolutely breath taking. Lovely post, Lotus. 🙂
.-= ChurchPunkMom´s last blog ..The Lacey Blanket =-.
Amazing post. Yet another freaking writer that makes me wish I were better. 🙂
.-= Karl´s last blog ..Donkies, the British and Sexual Favors! =-.
Really gorgeous post. The descriptions, the flow, the sentiment. Beautiful.